External bucket
I would like to add an external bucket, but it doesn't show on the add bucket page. How can I do this?Thanks, Mark
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Could you give me a bit more information about what you mean by "External bucket"? Do you mean that it's associated with a different set of AWS credentials? If that's the case, you can simply add that second credential set to your account (through the "add bucket" screen). If not, let me know what you're looking to accomplish and I'll see if I can help.
Jason Kester
Monday, October 3, 2011
The term is used by some S3 clients, http://s3browser.com/external-buckets-how-to-use-shared-bucket.php and http://www.bucketexplorer.com/documentation/amazon-s3--how-to-share-with-other-amazon-users.html. It refers to sharing a bucket owned by another user who grants access. It does not require the owner to give out his credentials. In my case, I have access to one of these shared buckets and have used it from BucketExplorer. It would be great if it were available to me through S3STAT. Thanks for looking into it, Mark
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Ah, in that case, you're right. It won't show up in your list of buckets (since it's not your bucket).While Amazon allows setting ACL policies so that other users can upload and download files to S3 on your behalf, their is no analog with logging. So if you want to log those buckets, you'll need to use the AWS credentials associated with them.
Jason Kester
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Ok thanks, I'll use it that way and try out S3STAT.Mark
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
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