No Data
Looks like the date range you've chosen doesn't have any reporting data associated with it.No data yet
Looks like we haven't had a chance to process any logfiles for you yet.
Amazon sometimes takes several hours to begin delivering logfiles to your bucket. Occasionally, this means that none will make it before midnight GMT on the day that you signed up for S3stat, and we'll have to wait a whole extra day before we can run any reports.
In short, S3stat may not be able to start generating reports until nearly 36 hours after signup. Please be patient. Reports are on the way...
Sample Report
This is a sample report running on real data from two Cloudfront Distributions.
You can flip back and forth between Distributions using the dropdown above the menu on the left. The data goes back several years, so go ahead and try running date ranges all the way back to 2008!