Streaming stats - what's a 'hit'
Hi there,I'm looking at the stats for one of our Cloudfront streaming distributions, and I'm wondering what a 'hit' is...Is it a 'play' event, or any event at all, or a unique play event (i.e. recorded once per visitor)? Or something else?Thanks!Toby
Toby M
Monday, February 7, 2011
For streaming, we only register one "hit" for the entire interaction with a file. So a user could play/pause/play/stop a stream, and only register a single hit.Because Amazon reports its bandwidth numbers cumulatively, there's no good way for us to report in finer detail than that without throwing off the bytecounts for your reports.
Jason Kester
Monday, February 7, 2011
Hi,In the case of download distributions that are making use of progressive http streaming is a 'hit' ANY interaction with a file? i.e. Play, Ffwd, Pause, Play = 3 hitsI've got an incredible amount of 'direct request' hits in the reports and trying to reason why...ThanksArran
Arran Jones
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The one thing that all interactions with a stream have in common is that they're terminated by a "stop", so that's what we use for reporting.For download distributions, it's simpler: every interaction gets logged (and reported) as a hit.
Jason Kester
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
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