Details on a per day basis
So I am tweaking our code to better manage how it downloads the resources from Cloudfront on client machines. I am trying to using S3Stat to look at daily changes in things like top bandwidth items etc. (Basically compare the daily numbers). Is there any way to extract this from what S3Stat provides?
Preston Tollinger
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sounds like you might be stretching the bounds of what S3stat will do for you out of the box with that one. We'll give you daily rollup numbers, but they won't go into the daily file-by-file detail that you're probably looking for.We can certainly get you part of the way there, since you can use the cleaned/sorted/combined logfiles we generate as input to your own log analyzer. Or alternatively, I'd be happy to talk about the possibility of building something custom for you on a consulting basis.
Jason Kester
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Hopefully on this same topic.A vote to add file-level stats on a per-day basis. We, like many others, use S3 for file distribution/download. And as data junkies we need per-file download count on a daily basis.If you have any suggestions how we can leverage S3stats to get daily file data, I'm listening.Otherwise S3stat is a great service and worth the $5/mo.Dennis - Ridiculously Simple Backup
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