logs in a separate bucket
I'd like to be able to log to a separate bucket (because I've already been doing this for a while)... some of the fields in the form to add a new bucket can't actually be modified thoughmy data is currently in a location like this:s3://[bucketname>/my logs are in a location like this:s3://[bucketname>-log/all I want is the logs to be analyzed and the info to go to a place like this:s3://[bucketname>-log/stats/is that not possible? it seems like this software will attempt to do a lot of stuff automatically that I've already set up.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Right now, we let you do that for Cloudfront Distributions, but haven't yet gotten around to offering it for S3 buckets.I'll let you know when it's available.
Jason Kester
Thursday, January 6, 2011
OK, I pushed a new build last night that allows you to send logs and reports to whatever bucket you want, not just the one they're related to. So now you can, for instance, have a single logging bucket if you'd like.Enjoy!
Jason Kester
Friday, January 7, 2011
I want to move where the log files are stored on my S3 server. I've already got several Cloudfront distributions setup in s3stat and don't want to lose any data. If I just copy the log files to a different folder and then create a new Cloudfront entry in s3stat, will it see the copied over logfiles?
Thursday, June 30, 2011
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