Tracking Downloads
Hello, My name is Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and I am plaing with S3. Podcasters are into knowing how many times a podcast has been downloaded. Is this something your package will provide?Dave Jackson
Indeed it will. We have a number of podcasters using the service for just that purpose.Here's a sample report showing downloaded files by URL:
Friday, August 29, 2008
I'm trying the service. I am comapring it to podtrac for stats. How this works is before the mp3 file URL I put a podtrac redirect. For example my last show is is showing I had 39 total hits to the file, 27 were unique. Your system for the same file is showing 12 hits. What could be the difference? Thats a pretty big discrepancy.The cool thing is now there is a Wordpress plugin for S3, so if I can get a decent stats package you will have filled a large void. Dave Jackson
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