No report generated
Hi, I activated account 1E4G7QTW0VT7Z3KJSJ02 yesterday but I still don't see a report today. Is there something wrong? If not, when should I expect to see a report? Thank you.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
As of today, I'm seeing reports generated for one of your two buckets (the high traffic one). The first July report came through on the 30th, so you're right that nothing was happening when you wrote this message.I've looked at your other bucket (the low traffic one), and it seems to be set up correctly for logging. Judging from the daily traffic, it's possible that it just hasn't had any views in the last few days. If that is the case, then my research should have generated a few pageviews, and will therefore cause at least one logfile to be delivered today, thus resulting in a report being generated tonight. I'll check back tomorrow to ensure that it's back on track.Jason
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Looking a little deeper, I can see why that second, low-traffic bucket does not have any reports. It looks like you've recently signed up for a second account with us, and have only added a single bucket. Since your free trial has already expired, we're not processing reports from that first account.We'll be happy to extend your free trial for a little while, using that new account. If you decide to activate your account with us, you can add that other bucket back in and start reporting on it as well.Jason
Thursday, July 31, 2008
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