Special configuration problems
Hi, seems that s3stat does not support a configuration like this:an S3: service specific bucket (with confidential data)setted up to log to an another (logger) bucket with the following structure: logger/[service_name>/logWhere s3stat has read (and if needed full access).I tried about 3 hours in may ways, because I like your service, but at the moment, no way.In the end, our need is to give to s3stat an access to a dedicated multi-service logger bucket, set up for logging purpose only.In case this is feasible please let me know how, otherwise please delete our account "ecom.it" - sorry.Regards Daniele Cellai ecom
You're right. That's an oversight on our part.At the moment, there's no way to set up a self-managed bucket using anything other than our defaults for logging bucket and path.I'll let you know when we get that addressed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Jason Kester
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
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