Trouble setting up log reading
Hello,I'm trying to analyze some cloudfront logs, sample url i'm having trouble getting S3stat to work with these files. It's looking for the pattern distribution id is in replace of access_log, and this part of the ui is not editable. how can i properly configure?thanks for the help, greatly appreciated.
Looks like you hit the wrong link from your My Account page.The logfile pattern with "access-log-" is how Amazon names its S3 logs by default, whereas the pattern you have yours stored in is how they do Cloudfront. If you were seeing that "access-log-" pattern, then chances are you were on our "Set up an S3 Bucket" page.Try going back to your My Account page, then finding the link labeled "Add a CloudFront distribution" and click that instead.Sorry for the confusion.
Jason Kester
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I'm not sure if it's just your form that's out of date, but the default for logfile names in S3 seems to be:2012-03-19-20-43-28-973B6AF97DEF499Ei.e.:yyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss-UNIQUESTRING Your form says this:Sanity check: your files are stored under: your log files will be sent to: your log files will look like: your web stats will be viewable at: questions are: -----------------------------------------According to that, if I let s3stat setup logging I'm going to get logfiles that don't have seconds as part of the filename? Is this correct?I have existing logfiles that I need to process, that were setup prior to me discovering s3stat. They have filenames that look like this:blah-2012-03-19-20-30-13-F45F0674ABFDF803i.e.:blah-yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss-UNIQUESTRINGI'm perfectly happy to rename these so that the prefix is 'access_log-' instead of 'blah-', but all my existing files have seconds in the name. Does this mean that I won't be able to get these files processed by s3stat? Will I have to remove the seconds from the filenames of all my existing files if I wanted you to process these existing files?Thanks! Dunc
Monday, March 19, 2012
No, you're right. As you note, the only part of the logfile name you (or we) have control over is the prefix. So us missing the seconds on our example url doesn't mean you'll actually get misnamed logfiles.I'll fix up that example on the setup page so that this doesn't confuse anybody else.Sorry about that.
Jason Kester
Friday, March 23, 2012
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